How long does the procedure take?
The entire procedure takes about 1-2 hours to perform based on your aesthetic goals.
How many treatments are needed?
The number of treatments needed depends on each individual patient, the desired outcome, and your provider's treatment plan.
Is the treatment painful?
Unlike other products that are acidic (low pH), SELPHYL PRFM has close to physiologic pH. There may be some temporary discomfort during the injections. Like all injection procedures, some
patients may experience some mild and temporary irritation, swelling, bruising, itching,
discoloration or tenderness at the injection site.
Are there any side effects?
There have been no known side effects associated with SELPHYL reported to date. As with any injectable procedure some patients may experience some mild and temporary irritation,
swelling, bruising, itching, discoloration or tenderness at the injection site.
Can anyone be allergic to SELPHYL?
There is virtually no risk of allergic reaction. The SELPHYL PRFM system is used to rapidly collect and isolate a patient's own PRFM for injection and contains no animal or synthetic products