Laser Resurfacing


  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Anti-aging spots
  • Age Spots
  • Sun Spots, Freckles
  • Pigment Reduction
  • Actinic Keratosis
  • Treats Mild to Moderate
  • Sun Damage
  • Decollete Care

LaseMD™ treatments provide a unique experience for all patients. Customized treatments rebuild healthy skin, rejuvenate pigmented skin and resurface fine lines and wrinkles.

What to Expect During your Treatment?

Depending on your treatment goals, your doctor may apply numbing cream prior to your session. You will feel some heat and tingling as the laser is passed over the skin. The number of passes and procedure time will depend on the depth of the treatment, lasting anywhere from 6-20 minutes.

You will experience some redness immediately after receiving the treatment. The redness should subside by the following day, when you can apply makeup. You will see optimal results within 2-5 days, but healing time can last anywhere from 1-6 days, depending on the depth of treatment. This treatment is specific to each person and is customized to your skin type and personal skin goals.

The LaseMD Experience

Patients love the LaseMD Experience™. It is beneficial for all skin types, all ages and we can customize it for everyone.

LASEMD (Laser-Assisted Single Effective Molecule Delivery) system is designed specifically to create micro-channels that allow for more effective delivery of custom formulated cosmeceuticals. The specially developed cosmeceuticals, Lasemd Ampoules, were designed by taking a minimalistic approach combining only the purest ingredients with unique Multi-Nano-granulated technology, which ensures that the components will remain fresh without having to utilize unneeded preservatives or chemicals and while maximizing the absorption ratio.


This specially formulated 2 layer mask helps to cool and calm your skin. The natural coconut based cream mask pack is excellent for after treatments and gentle enough to be used daily to restore moisture to the skin.

I love the cooling mask. My skin felt hydrat-ed and renewed as I left my doctor’s office. I have tried all of the serums, and the results have been incredible! I’m telling all of my friends to get The LaseMD Experience.”
-Gail Andover,MA.


Is there any down time?
While there will be some visible redness after the treatment, you will be able to resume your normal activities.
Is there any Pain?
For mild treatment, the discomfort is very minimal. For more aggressive treatments, numbing cream is applied for patient comfort.
How many treatments will I need?
Your provider will work with you to find the best treatment regimen based on the results you are trying to achieve.

Before & After